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Stradoji Premium
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Comment l’offre Premium
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L'investissement est une jungle impitoyable ou il est très facile de se perdre. Nous allons te donner la carte pour avancer dans ce monde
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nouvelle vie pérenne
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Félicitations, tu es inscrit pour notre Atelier
de présentation de l’offre Stradoji Premium
Atelier présentation
Stradoji Premium
Par sylvain March - Fondateur de Stradoji
30 Avril à 12h00
90 min
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de la solution Stradoji
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Atelier en ligne offert
Comment nos clients décuplent leur patrimoine grâce aux crypto-actifs
Sans risque excessif Sans connaissances techniques Sans y passer des heures
Sylvain March fondateur de Stradoji
Présenté par Sylvain March - Fondateur de
Sylvain March le fondateur de Stradoji

90 Minutes de contenu exclusif (pas de rediffusion)

Découvrez comment superformer les marchés traditionnels

LE plan d'investissement sur-mesure que vous pouvez adapter à vos besoins

Ce Dimanche à 11h00 !
Votre inscription est presque finalisée
Atelier en ligne offert
Découvrez comment générer des revenus passifs grâce aux crypto-actifs
Entrez simplement votre email et accédez à notre atelier exclusif du Dimanche 10 Mars à 11h00.
Vos informations sont 100% sécurisés
Ce Dimanche à 11h00 !

Terms and conditions


This website is managed by two distinct entities to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and the provision of specialized services. The publisher of this website is Doji Finance Limited (“the Company”), registered in the commercial register of Hong Kong, under number 2405 243, with its registered office located at Room 1305, 13/F, 233 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.

For all activities related to cryptocurrency and virtual asset services, the responsible entity is UAB Palanteer, registered in the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, under number 306156525, with its registered office located at A. Goštauto g. 8-155, LT-01108 Vilnius, Lithuania. UAB Palanteer operates under the VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider) license, ensuring that all cryptocurrency-related transactions and services adhere to the applicable regulations and standards. All virtual asset services offered through this website fall under the jurisdiction and management of UAB Palanteer.

The hosting provider for the www.stradoji.com website is Amazon Web Services, Inc, whose head office is currently located in Seattle, Washington, USA.

The information contained in this Site is not intended to be a source of advice or credit analysis with respect to the material presented, and the information and/or materials contained in this Site do not constitute financial advice, advice investment, business advice or any other type of advice.


The Company offers, through its Site, various online training modules specialized in the reading, analysis, and interpretation of curves and indicators on different asset classes, in particular crypto-currencies and active scholarship holders, from initiation to more technical and comprehensive content.

This training is provided to individuals to enable them to understand the operation of market indicators on virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies, and financial markets, and to learn certain trading methods on exchange platforms or stock markets.

Each training course is explained according to the description posted online.

The purpose and objective of the training is purely educational, and does not constitute a recommendation or advice for investing or managing savings.

The Company reserves the right to modify the training course(s) offered on its platform, both in their general organization and in their content, without this modification giving rise to the right to compensation for the benefit of the User.

The services offered by the Company include the following (hereinafter the “Service(s)”):

Watching training videos
Information through the dissemination of specialized articles and digital books published by the Company;
From the affiliate service
The purpose of the Company’s services is essentially to provide training and information on cryptocurrencies and any similar or related asset.

In addition, the Site also gives the User the possibility of accessing the services of a third party company, the company Palanteer, registered under the laws of Lithuania, under number 306156525 and whose registered office is at A. Goštauto g. 8-155, LT-01108 Vilnius (“Partner”) under the sole and exclusive control and responsibility of said Partner.

The provision of access to the services of the Partner is materialized by the possibility of accessing, via the company’s site, the services of the said Partner which are on the one hand its exclusive property, and on the other hand are found under its sole responsibility and its exclusive management, which the Partner provides under its own general conditions of use, and under its exclusive control.

The activation of the links giving access to the services described below entails, on the one hand, the User’s total acceptance of the Partner’s conditions of use, and the acceptance of the discharge of all liability of the company for the services which could be offered and dispensed by the Partner, without possible recourse against the company.

Consequently, the User declares that he is fully informed and consents to the following services being provided and managed by a third party company, the Palanteer company, which will be solely responsible vis-à-vis the User for said services, namely :

Algorithmic trading services as described on the webpage
Connecting Users’ API keys to enable algorithmic trading feature
Any issue of token as well as any service directly or indirectly related to the issue, management, transfer, distribution or advice in virtual currency and cryptocurrency
Staking of any type of cryptocurrency, including any cryptocurrencies using the company’s name or trade name
The deposit and holding of virtual assets
Any ICO operation and issuance or initial issuance of a token or virtual currency


2.1 IT and telecommunications resources

The Company undertakes to provide all the care necessary for the implementation of the Service it offers.

The User is personally responsible for setting up the IT and telecommunications resources allowing access to the Site and the Services to which he subscribes.

He acknowledges that all costs related to the use of the Services are entirely and exclusively his responsibility.

The Company declines all responsibility in the event of interruption, malfunction or unavailability of access to the Site and for any misuse or misconfiguration of the computer or any other computer means and support by the User.

In addition, the Company cannot be held liable if a browser does not allow the use of all the features of the Service, or if its location deprives it, due to access rules related to its country of connection, of a access to all or part of the site and its features

2.2 General rules relating to registration on the Site

When registering on the Site, the User agrees to:

Provide and update sincere, exact, precise, current and complete information concerning him, in particular his name and email address which may be requested from him in the context of the use of the Services;
Do not usurp the identity of any natural or legal person, or enter a name that he is not authorized to use.
It is the responsibility of the User to ensure that the contact details he provides are correct. Under no circumstances can the Company be held liable if, for example, a User does not receive an electronic message due to an error on his part in entering his contact details.

The registration made by the User on the company’s website implies unequivocal and irrevocable agreement to these T&Cs and the possible transmission of their personal data.

The information collected during registration is recorded in a file computerized by the company to ensure the proper management and monitoring of its services.

The data collected may be communicated to the staff of the company, to the Partner, as well as to any supplier of storage or data processing on computer media that the company deems necessary to use. In addition, the company is required to share any information relating to the User’s data under the laws and regulations applicable to it, in particular with any administrative or judicial authority.

The User who interrupts the use of the company’s services may request the deletion of his data or exercise a right to limit the processing of his data.

At the end of the order on the Site, the User will have a username and a password. This password, which is reserved for him, is strictly individual and confidential.

The User remains solely responsible for the access data provided during the registration procedure.

He is prohibited from communicating his password or his name to any other person, or from authorizing the use by another person of this data to access the Services.

In the event of violation of the rules relating to access codes and in particular in the event of use of these codes by several people, the company reserves the right to remove the Service immediately without compensation and without notice or prior information.

2.3 Access to Services

Depending on the pack and formula chosen by the User, the Company provides the User with:

The opening of access to the Site platform, allowing him to follow his training course;
Access to the method ordered during the defined period (depending on the product or pack chosen) from the sending of the access confirmation e-mail sent by the Company, period at the end of which the access will be disabled;
The right to access the training course(s) subject to the selection made by the User, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond its control, and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and the Services;
Access to recorded live sessions; the dates being communicated sufficiently in advance by email
In the event of ongoing maintenance of its platform, the Company may temporarily interrupt access. The latter will then endeavor to limit the time of interruption of the Service and will endeavor to notify the User beforehand by any means it deems useful. The latter undertakes not to claim compensation or damages from the Company.

The right of access to the platform is personal, unique, non-assignable and non-transferable.

2.4 General rules of use

The user agrees to:

Not to use the Services for illegal purposes;
Not to make commercial use of the information, services and content provided;
Keep strictly personal access to the site and its content, and do not copy or share the content, which remains the exclusive property of the Company
Special conditions of use of the discussion forums

As part of its online training, the Company provides Users with discussion forums.

Access to private forums requires identification of the User, whether by direct entry of a username-password pair or connection within the framework of his training space.

For any publication in a discussion forum, the User is prohibited from publishing any content:

Likely to undermine the dignity of the human person;
Likely to affect the reputation and / or the activity of the Company;
Offensive or defamatory;
Of a pornographic or pedophile nature;
Of an advertising or commercial nature;
Apologizing for crimes against humanity;
Inciting the commission of crimes and misdemeanors;
Inciting racial hatred, violence or discrimination;
Infringing the privacy and/or image rights of any person and any User;
Infringing the rights of a third party (intellectual property rights in particular);
In general, any content that is illegal or contrary to public order and morality.
The User undertakes to respect the theme of the forum. Otherwise, the discussion may be deleted or moved by the site moderator, and the User’s access temporarily suspended.

The User is solely responsible for the messages he publishes on a discussion forum.

The Company does not guarantee or be responsible for the information exchanged within the framework of the Stock Exchange community and the content of the forums.

However, the forums are likely to be moderated according to the public concerned by each forum.

Any message that does not respect the stated rules is likely to be moved or deleted.

The sanctions, depending on the seriousness and recurrence of the behavior, may range from the deletion of the message to the permanent exclusion of the User who published the offending content.

The User acknowledges the public nature of his contributions within the framework of the forum and authorizes the Company to store and distribute his messages. He also authorizes him to use these messages in whole or in part and to reproduce them on any medium as part of his activities for educational or promotional purposes. In the event of recovery, the personal data or data relating to the private life of the user will be excluded.


Access to a User’s Personal Account is secured by default by an e-mail address and a password chosen by the User. It is reminded that the User must choose a complex password different from the passwords of his messaging services and other services to which he protects access. Access by a third party to the User’s Account may result in the theft or unauthorized use of the token in the Account. The Company cannot be held responsible for thefts occurring under these conditions.

The Company can in no way be held responsible for all the consequences of any nature whatsoever, resulting from the loss, theft, misappropriation, piracy, usurpation, fraud, unavailability of the access to the Customer’s e-mail address linked to his User Account, his IT resources, his telephone or his applications, the securing of his password, his identity documents and his proof of address or origin of the funds, all of which are under his responsibility.


The T&Cs are made available to the User on the Website and the Mobile Application. They can also be communicated via email to Users on simple request, by email, in addition to automatic communication and their validation when creating the Customer Account and when carrying out a Transaction, which implies acceptance of their terms. They are also automatically communicated to the Customer when notifying all Users when they are updated. As a result, the T&Cs and their subsequent modifications are binding on Users who acknowledge having read and accepted them.

The archiving of communications, Services performed, User documents and invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable medium. All of these elements have probative value between the Parties. In general, any computer document of the Company is proof between the Parties.


By browsing the Site, subscribing to our newsletter and/or contacting us, the User acknowledges having read and understood these T&Cs and agrees to be bound by them and to comply with these T&Cs and all applicable laws and regulations. If the User does not agree with these Terms, he must refrain from using the Site and the services of the Company, these Terms having the value of a contract between the Parties.

The User’s consent is given when he ticks the box in the window that appears during his first connection and which indicates « This site uses cookies to guarantee you the best experience on our site. By continuing to use our Site, you agree to our T&Cs, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. By giving his consent, the User confirms that his level of French and/or English is sufficient to understand the meaning of these T&Cs as well as all the commitments, guarantees, waivers and obligations contained therein.

If the User is browsing the Site on behalf of a company or other entity, the User declares and guarantees that he has the necessary authority to bind this company or entity to these T&Cs and that he accepts these Terms in the name and on behalf of this company or entity.


The Company reserves the right to make changes to these T&Cs at any time, at its sole discretion. Your continued use of the Site after such changes, with or without explicitly agreeing to the new terms, constitutes your consent to such amendments.

If the User does not accept these modifications, he will no longer be entitled to obtain information or access the Site and irrevocably undertakes to stop using the Company’s Services and the functionalities of the Site. The User is responsible for regularly checking these T&Cs in their current version and in force from time to time, an updated version of which can be retrieved at any time on the Site.


The possible nullity of one of the provisions of these T&Cs does not entail the nullity of all of these T&Cs.


8.1 Service Offerings

The list of Services offered by the Company to its Users may change over time. These Services are communicated to the User via the Site www.stradoji.com, the Mobile Application and/or the Client Account.

The nature of the Services offered by the Company depends on the formulas subscribed by the User. The Customer should refer to the information provided on the Site, the Mobile Application, in particular when using a Service to find out about any limitations, or to request communication by email to Customer Service.

8.2 General provisions applicable to the Services on the Website and the Mobile Application

All the Services that a User may use remotely must imperatively be carried out on a durable medium, from the Customer Account validated via the Website or the Mobile Application.

The Services offered by the Company are accessible directly on the Site or the mobile Application of the Company from a validated, unblocked or unsuspended Customer Account.

In the event of difficulty in the proper performance of a Service or when creating a Customer Account, a User of the Website or the Mobile Application and the Company may communicate by telephone, email or via the support system used by the Society.

The Company reserves the right, without notice and without any possible compensation, not to validate a Customer Account, to refuse to perform any Service for a given Customer, or to block, temporarily suspend, delete a Customer Account under the conditions of the present. More generally, the Company reserves the right to close access to all or part of the Website or the Mobile Application, to suspend the execution or supply of all or part of the Services offered in the event of Force Majeure, Technical failure, endangerment or threats to its Personnel or its technical means of any kind whatsoever


The Site is made available to Users without warranty of any kind, express or implied.

The User is authorized to make personal and non-commercial use of the Site and to display the content of the Site exclusively on their computer screen or on other devices (such as smartphones or tablets), subject to compliance with the these T&Cs and Company policies.

Any other use is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Company. User shall not use, copy, adapt, modify, decompile, disassemble, decipher, attempt to derive source code, prepare derivative works based on, distribute, license, rent, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, broadcast or otherwise exploit the Site and the Content, except as extent expressly authorized by the Company or as permitted by applicable law. Any unauthorized use of the Site and the Content is strictly prohibited and will terminate the use granted in these T&Cs. No license or right of use is granted implicitly or otherwise by the access given to the site by the company, apart from the right of use granted when creating the User account, and subject to all the above reservations. .

If the User provides comments concerning the Site, the User grants the Company the right to use these comments for any purpose, without restriction or entailing a right to compensation or remuneration for the User.


The Site does not constitute and should not be considered as a recommendation or endorsement of the quality, level of service, qualification or evaluation of the services it contains. In particular, the Website is not deemed to provide (and should not be considered as such) advice relating to the User’s decision whether or not to use our Services by becoming a User and should not be considered as providing complete information regarding such a decision. The Site is intended solely to promote the services provided there, and to provide the User with a computer interface necessary for the provision of services offered by the company.

The Company does not provide any promise or guarantee whatsoever of possible earnings or remuneration, in cash or in any other form.


The User agrees that the Company may collect, process and use personal data relating to him in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which defines the conditions under which we process the personal data that we collect from the User or that he provides to us. . By using our Site, the User consents to such processing and guarantees that all data provided by him is accurate.


The Company undertakes to make every effort to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force. The Company undertakes that only authorized personnel are authorized to access the personal data of the Customer, the Authorized Partner within the framework of the services which would be requested from it, as well as any supplier of storage or processing of data on computer media. that the Company deems necessary to use. In addition, the Company is required to share any information relating to the User’s data under the laws and regulations applicable to it, in particular with any administrative or judicial authority. Access to the premises and servers on which the data are collected, processed and archived is strictly limited. Appropriate technical and organizational measures have been taken to prevent access by any unauthorized person. The User is informed when opening his Account and in these T&Cs that the Company collects and processes personal data concerning them in an automated manner. More generally, the User consents to the application of the Company’s Privacy Policy.

In the event of use of the services offered by the third party company, the Partner, Palanteer, the User hereby expressly consents that his personal data may be communicated to Palanteer.


The User is authorized to use the Site only in accordance with the laws of his country of residence and the country from which he accesses the Site. The User may only make lawful use of the Site and any illegal or inappropriate use of the Site is prohibited. In particular, the User agrees to browse the Site legally and without any violation of these T&Cs or any applicable law and agrees not to take any of the following actions in relation to his use of the Site:

access or use the Site in any way that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect or prevent anyone from fully enjoying the Site, including, but not limited to, defaming, harassing, threatening, uttering sectarian, hateful or racist remarks, or to provide vulgar, obscene, pornographic or otherwise offensive content;
access or use the Site for any illegal or unauthorized purpose or engage in, encourage or promote any illegal activity or any activity that violates these TOS or any other terms or policies provided in connection with the Site;
intimidate or harass any person or entity, or falsely state or misrepresent their identity or affiliation;
damage, disable, overburden or impair the functionality of the Site in any way;
distribute or post spam, unsolicited electronic communications, advertisements, solicitations, promotional materials, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;
upload, post, transmit, distribute or otherwise make available any material that contains viruses, malicious Sites, ransomware or spyware or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the Site, devices mobiles or telecommunications equipment or any other technology that may harm the Site or the interests of the Company;
export or re-export any applications, code, or tools developed by the Company, except in strict accordance with the export control laws of all applicable jurisdictions and in accordance with posted rules and restrictions;
use any robot, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or interface not provided or authorized by the Company to access the Site or to extract data or information from the Site;
commercialize any application, code or any information or Site associated with this application and/or the Site without the prior consent of the Company;
upload, post, transmit, distribute, store or otherwise make publicly available on the Site any personal data of Users, Visitors or any Third Party without the prior express consent of the person concerned;
collect information or data about visitors or users without their consent or use automated scripts to collect information or interact with the Site;
upload, post, transmit, distribute, store or otherwise make available content that the Company finds objectionable, misleading or that would restrict or inhibit any other person from using the Site, or that may expose the Company or its Visitors to any harm or liability of any kind whatsoever;
upload, post, transmit, distribute, store or otherwise make available any content that would constitute, encourage or provide instructions to prepare or commit or participate in a criminal offence;
copy, modify, distribute, sell or rent any part of the Site;
reverse engineer or attempt to extract source code from the Site;
interfere with or attempt to interfere with the Site in any way;
circumvent or attempt to circumvent any filtering, security measures or other features designed to protect the Site or third parties;
infringe or violate the rights of the Company, Visitors, Users or any Third Party;
facilitating or assisting another person to do any of the above acts.


The intellectual property rights and all other proprietary rights relating to the content available on the Site (including, but not limited to, the domain name, trademark, Sites, Mobile Sites, algorithms, codes , audio files, videos, text, animations, files, photographs, designs, graphics, layouts, images, information and their selection and arrangement) (hereinafter: the “Site Content” ) are the exclusive property of the Company. Our rights in the content of the Site include rights in (i) the Site; and (ii) all designs, layouts, Sites, display information and techniques associated with the Site. All intellectual property rights in the content of the Site not expressly granted herein are reserved to the company. All copyright and other proprietary notices must be retained on all reproductions.

Any other use of Site Content, including, without limitation, distribution, reproduction, modification, making available, public communication, public performance, framing, uploading, posting or transmission, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company is strictly prohibited.

The User must not derive or attempt to derive the source code of all or part of the Site or the mobile application, allow a third party to derive or attempt to derive this source code, decompile, disassemble or translate the Site or any part of it.

The Company owns and retains all intellectual property and other rights in the Site, and any changes, modifications or corrections thereto, subject to the open source Site used in connection with the Site.

The Company, thus, expressly reserves all intellectual property rights to all texts, programs, products, processes, technologies, content, source codes, object codes, layouts and other elements that appear on the Site. Access to the Site does not and should not be considered as conferring on anyone any license under any of our intellectual property rights or those of any third party. Any use of the Site, including the copying or storage of all or part thereof, other than for the personal and non-commercial use of the user, is prohibited without the prior consent of the Company.


The Company names and logos and all related product and service names, design marks and slogans are trademarks or service marks of the Company or its licensors. No trademark or service mark license is granted in connection with the materials contained on the Site. Access to the Website in no way authorizes the use of a name, logo or trademark in any way whatsoever.

STRADOJI™ is a registered trademark and www.stradoji.com a domain name owned and controlled by the Company. The STRADOJI™ trademark and other graphics, logos, page layouts, designs, page headers, button icons, scripts and service names on the Site are the trademarks or trade dress of the Company (herein after: the “Marks”). The User may not use the Marks, including as part of registered trademarks and/or as part of domain names, in connection with any product or service in a manner likely to cause confusion or to give the impression that the Company endorses any product or service. The User may not reproduce or use the Marks without the prior written authorization of the Company.


The Company may block, terminate or suspend a User’s ability to use or access the Site, in whole or in part, without notice and at any time, in its sole discretion, as well as close or interrupt the Site. The Company reserves the right to terminate the right to access and use the Site if the User does not comply with these TOS or any other conditions, laws or policies referenced herein, or if the User otherwise creates a risk or possible legal exposure for the Company.

The Company reserves the right to take legal action against any person for fraudulent use of the Site and any other illegal act or act or omission in violation of these Terms.


The Site and Content may not be available in all territories and jurisdictions, and we may restrict or prohibit the use of all or parts of the Site and Content in certain territories and jurisdictions. Similarly, certain jurisdictions are likely to restrict access to the content of the site, without the Company being held responsible for this.


User’s network provider may charge for data services or any other third party charges that may arise while using the Site and User accepts responsibility for such charges. If the User is not the bill payer, we will assume that the User has received authorization from the bill payer.


Since the Site is posted on the internet, it may be subject to temporary downtime.

From time to time, actions to update or maintain the Site are likely to result in its unavailability for a certain period. We do not warrant that the Site will operate without interruption or error.

We are not liable for damages or losses suffered by the User as a result of a failure or interruption of the Site or the suspension of access to the Site.


The User acknowledges and expressly accepts that his access to and use of the Site are at his own risk.

The training provided by the Company has only an educational and informative scope. The user is solely responsible for the choice of training courses and their use.

The services delivered do not in any way constitute personalized recommendations with a view to carrying out transactions and cannot be assimilated to an investment advice service, nor to any incitement to buy or sell virtual assets, cryptocurrency, or any other instrument. financial or heritage asset.

The contents offered are published for information purposes only and cannot be interpreted as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell assets of any kind. They can in no way be considered as a guarantee of a particular financial result. The Company assumes no liability concerning in particular the direct or indirect financial or commercial damages resulting from the implementation or the impossibility of implementation of the online services accessible on the Site.

If the user intends, in his entire and sole discretion, to make practical use of the content and services provided by the Company, it is his responsibility to ensure that the application of the strategies explained complies with the regulatory and legal provisions of his state of residence. Without this constituting an incitement to speculation or the practical use of the content of the services offered by the Company, it is recommended that any uninformed person consult a professional wealth adviser before any investment of any kind whatsoever.

The User’s attention is also drawn to the fact that the training made available to him relates, among other things, to the analysis of various curves and indices relating to cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, and that consequently the elements analyzed relate on intrinsically risky elements, linked to the speculative nature and the rapid and random fluctuations of this asset class.

The Company does not claim to provide investment, legal or tax advice through its website and does not guarantee that the assets it may mention or the services in question are suitable for any investor.

The responsibility of the Company can in no way be engaged in the event of inappropriate investment or inappropriate financial decision of the User. The information provided on the Site should not be applied without a prior and in-depth examination of the User’s tax, financial and personal situation.

The information and/or documents appearing on the Site and/or accessible by the latter come from sources considered to be reliable. However, this information and/or documents may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. The Company reserves the right to correct them as soon as these errors are brought to its attention.

The photographs and illustrations accompanying the products on the Site have no contractual value and therefore cannot engage the responsibility of the Company.

The elements of information contained on the Site may no longer be up to date at the time of reading them, due to regulatory, legal, jurisprudential or tax changes, changes in rates or the economic situation, modifications, or the removal of commercial offers, developments in financial markets and cryptocurrency markets in general.

All content available on the Site is made available for informational purposes only and shall in no way be contractual or binding on the Company. The user should not rely on this content in any way. The Company does not give any guarantee concerning the Site, the Site and the content, nor the services, information published or available on the Site, whether it concerns their availability, their accuracy or their legality. The Company does not guarantee that the Site will be available at all times and expressly reserves the right to interrupt the Site without notice. Further, the Company does not represent or warrant that (a) the operation of the Site will be secure, uninterrupted, error-free, or virus-free, or (b) that any defects in the Site will be corrected. No oral or written information, direction or advice given by the Company shall constitute a warranty. The foregoing disclaimer of warranty shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

The laws of some states or jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties, so some or all of the disclaimers in this section may not apply to User.

Any warranties, conditions or other conditions arising out of or in connection with the Site which might otherwise be implied or incorporated into these TOS by law, applicable laws in the country where the Site was used or otherwise (including, without limited thereto, any implied terms as to quality, fitness for purpose, reasonable care and skill) are hereby expressly excluded. If the User has a dispute with one or more Visitor(s), User(s) and/or Third Party(ies), the User agrees to release the Company (including its affiliates, and each of its officers, directors , employees, agents, shareholders, business partners, licensors and suppliers) from all claims, demands and damages of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way relating whether to such disputes.


These T&Cs define the full extent of our obligations and responsibilities with respect to the Site. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Company excludes all warranties and liability relating to the Site and its content. In particular, the Company will not be liable for damages of any kind, including loss of income or data, suffered by the visitor, user or any other person. This includes any misuse that may be made of visitor and/or user data, any virus or other form of malware transmitted by the Site or the server, as well as any non-compliance by users and/or visitors with these T&Cs. . The Company shall not be liable for any personal injury, loss of profits, or other consequential, special, punitive, indirect, or incidental damages, arising out of or relating to your use of or inability to use the Website(s). The foregoing exclusion of certain damages and limitation of liability shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. The laws of some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain damages, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to User. In no event shall the company’s aggregate liability arising from or related to the use or inability to use the Site exceed one hundred euros (EUR 100). The User agrees that any claim filed more than one (1) month after the discovery of the company’s alleged liability shall be barred.


The Company accepts no liability for any damage, loss, delay or inconvenience caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, war, threat of war, riots, civil unrest or terrorist activity, labor disputes, natural or nuclear disasters, fires, airport closures, severe weather conditions, the interruption or failure of a public service or the acts of any local or national government.


User agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company and its affiliates, independent contractors, and service providers, and each of its respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from all claims, damages, third party costs, liabilities and expenses (including, but not limited to, court and attorney fees) caused by, arising out of, or related to (a) its use of or inability to use the Site; (b) breach of these TOS or any other applicable condition, policy, warning, warranty or instruction provided by the Company or a Third Party in connection with the Site; (c) violation of any applicable law or any rights of a Third Party.


The Site may contain links and hyperlinks that allow the User or visitor to access websites managed, owned and administered by third parties. The Company declines all responsibility for the content and services provided by these independent sites.

The provision of redirection internet links are only made available to Users and Visitors for information purposes, without this constituting a solicitation or an invitation to access or use these third-party sites or their services.

The Company is not responsible for the content posted on these third-party websites. The Company cannot therefore assume any responsibility for the nature, accuracy, completeness or security of this Third Party Content.

In particular, the provision of access to the Partner’s services is materialized by the possibility of accessing, via the company’s website, the Services provided and managed exclusively by the Partner, under its sole responsibility, under its own general conditions. of use, and under its exclusive control, without this possibility of access constituting a solicitation or an invitation to access or use these services.

The activation of the links giving access to the services described below implies acceptance of the Company’s discharge of all liability for the services that may be offered and provided by the Partner, without possible recourse against the company.

The User declares in particular that he is perfectly informed and consents to the following services being provided and managed by a third party company, the Partner, the company Palanteer, which will be solely responsible vis-à-vis the User for said services, to know :

Algorithmic trading services described on the company’s website as described on the web page. Access to the functionalities of the algorithmic trading option is exclusively through a platform owned and managed by the Partner, without the company having any intervention in this regard.
Connection of Users’ API keys to activate the algorithmic trading function, this connection being done just as much through the Partner’s platform and services, without any intervention from the company
Any issue of token as well as any service directly or indirectly related to the issue, management, transfer, distribution or advice in virtual currency and cryptocurrency
Staking of any type of cryptocurrency, including any cryptocurrencies using the company’s name or trade name
The deposit and holding of virtual assets
Any ICO operation and issuance or initial issuance of a token or virtual currency


These T&Cs, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy (which sets out information about cookies on our site), subject to any amendments or modifications made by the Company from time to time, constitutes the entire agreement between the User and the Company with regard to the use of the Site. If any provision of these TOS is held to be invalid by a court or competent court, that provision will be limited only to the minimum extent necessary and the other provisions will remain in full force and effect.


The Company’s failure to enforce any provision of these T&Cs does not constitute a waiver of its right to do so in the future with respect to that provision, any other provision, or these T&Cs as a whole.


These T&Cs and the use of the Site, and all matters arising out of or relating thereto (including non-contractual disputes or claims and their interpretation), shall be governed by the laws of Lithuania, exclusion of conflict of laws rules. Any claim or dispute regarding or in connection with these T&Cs shall (including non-contractual disputes or claims and their interpretation) be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Lithuania.

User agrees that any dispute is personal to him and the Company, and that any dispute will be resolved only by individual litigation and will not be brought as a class action, or any other representative proceeding. User agrees that a dispute may not be brought as a class or representative action or on behalf of any other person.

In the event of a dispute, the User must maintain the confidentiality of all proceedings, including, but not limited to, all information collected, prepared and presented for the purposes of the dispute or related to the dispute(s) relating thereto. (s).


The « Profitable or Refund Guarantee » (hereinafter referred to as the « Guarantee ») is offered under the following specific terms and conditions. By participating in this Guarantee, you agree to comply with all the provisions outlined below:

  1. Minimum Strategy Application Period
    The Guarantee is contingent upon the user applying the provided trading strategy consistently for a minimum period of six (6) months from the date of purchase or enrollment. The strategy must be followed without significant deviation, as per the guidelines and instructions provided.
  2. Refund Request Period
    After the initial six (6) months of applying the strategy, users are entitled to an additional six (6) months to submit a refund request if the strategy does not yield the expected profitability. The refund request must be submitted within this six (6) month window, failing which the right to a refund will be forfeited.
  3. Track Record Requirement
    To qualify for the refund, users must provide a verifiable track record of trades executed during the six-month strategy application period. A representative number of trades must be completed, defined as executing between one (1) and several trades per week, to reflect proper and diligent use of the strategy.
  4. Proof of Strategy Application
    Users must supply evidence that the strategy was applied as instructed. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of detailed trade logs and charts illustrating the user’s trade entries and exits. Failure to supply adequate proof may result in the denial of the refund request.
  5. Refund Process and Review
    Once the refund request, track record, and proof of strategy application are submitted, the company will review the documentation to ensure compliance with these terms. If the conditions are met, the refund will be processed within a reasonable timeframe. However, the company reserves the right to refuse the refund if it determines that the strategy was not properly or consistently applied.
  6. Limitations of the Guarantee
    The Guarantee does not apply to users who fail to meet any of the above conditions or who discontinue the strategy before the six (6) month period. Furthermore, the Guarantee does not cover any additional costs, fees, or losses incurred while using the strategy.
  7. Modification or Termination of Guarantee
    The company reserves the right to modify or terminate this Guarantee at any time without prior notice, except for users who are currently within their Guarantee period, for whom these terms will remain in effect.
  8. Governing Law
    This Guarantee and any disputes related to it will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws applicable in the company’s jurisdiction, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

By engaging in the Guarantee, users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to these terms as part of the overall Terms and Conditions of the service.


If you wish to contact us, please do so by clicking on the contact form here.